Movie Review: A Christmas Story
It’s time for another International Movie Break movie review. Jason and Daniel sit down and give their thoughts on the Christmas Classic A Christmas Story. Below are Daniel’s initial reactions while watching the movie! ENJOY!
Here we go, another 80s politically incorrect movie I’m here for it!!!
Got to love the long knitted beanie
Ahhh it wouldn’t be an 80s movie without a barrel with fire in it!
What a way to start a movie with just a montage of Christmas music!
Ahhh the red rider there it is!!!
Oh dear his parents sleeping in separate beds 🤦🏻♂️
How does one swallow a yo-yo????
Grizzly bears near the candy store????
Wow!!!’ What a cowboy outfit!!! That’s some Marty Stewart-level bling on that outfit!
Ralphie saved the day!
This dad has a potty mouth
What a coat that thing is massive (that’s what she said)
Flick! What a name!
Hahahaha the kid can’t get up 😂😂😂
Where did all these kids get these fake teeth???? Gross now the teacher is touching them 🤮🤮🤮
Full of beans!!! What an insult!
Uh oh, a double dog dare!!!
Uh no the triple dog dare things just got real!!!
Hahahaha his tongue is stuck to the pole what a dumb ass!!!!
The fire department holy cow!!!! Now the cops!!! But why just put warm water on it…
Flick is an idiot!!!
Flick is the man for not narcing on his friends!
What the hell is a theme???? Does she mean paper???
Why does Scut look like Sid from Toy Story???
Scut is awesome!!! Oh shit Grover!!!
Oh his dad won!!!! What did he win????
Redneck neighbors have hounds what a stereotype!
A western telegram haven’t heard that in a while 😂😂😂😂
Oh no the dogs tail got stuck in the door!!!
A bowling alley for a prize would be legit!
Red cabbage 🤢
I’m with u Randy I hate meatloaf!!!
Randy needs an ass whoopin!!!
That’s a damn big box!!!
What’s in the box???????
That’s one sexy lamp!!!!
Right in the window got to show off that sexy leg lamp!!!
Indescribably beautiful 😂😂😂
And it reminds him of the Fourth of July!!! Nothing says Merica like a sexy leg lamp!!!!
Soft glow of electric sex 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a line!
Ovaltean!!!! Now that’s a throw back!!!
This dude has some shitty trees!
I want to know how much the tree was bc Christmas tree inflation has gone crazy lately!!!
4 minutes to change a tire that’s impressive!
Oh never mind 8 that’s not impressive
He didn’t say fudge he said F—- word 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Washing his mouth out with soap who came up with that????
That’s a big ass fruit basket!
Uh oh his little orphan Annie decoder ring is in!!!!
Annie’s secret message!!!
Why did he go to the bathroom to decode the message 😂😂😂😂
Be sure to drink your ovaltine 😂😂😂😂
RFK Jr probably hates ovaltine!!!
Platypus snot 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh nooooo mom broke the sexy lamp!!!!!
I think he’s going to cry 😂😂😂
Oh no the lamps stocking is ripped does that make it sexier????
He buried the lamp and played taps 😂😂😂
Poor flick 😞
PS you’ll shoot your eye out 😂😂😂
Uh oh ralphie just whipped scuts ass!!!!
That’s some mean ground and pound!!!
Daddies gonna kill ralphie 😂😂😂😂
Kid just chilling below the sink with a glass of milk! 😂😂😂
More meatloaf???? Do they eat anything besides that????
Why is there a Mickey Mouse in the parade and why is he being attacked by the flying monkeys from the wizard of Oz????
Clowns in a Christmas parade???? Yeah that doesn’t jive!
Parents dropping off their kids at Santa and just leaving is peak 80s parenting
What the hell is this kid in front of ralphie wearing??? This kid is growing up to be a serial killer!!!
And now the wicked witch just shows up but why????
This elf just slinging kids down the slide 😂😂
These elves are assholes!!!
Why are kids screaming when they sit on Santa’s lap????
Oh this Ralphie POV is awesome!!!!
Merry Christmas here’s a boot to the face from Santa!!!
Why in the hell do the people from the wizard of Oz keep showing up???? I’m so confused!!!!
That’s a beautiful big ass Christmas tree!!!!
How has their house not burned down yet with all those plugs in the outlet????
It’s Christmas morning!!!!!
Why is he so impressed with the snow??? It’s looked like that the hole movie 😂😂😂😂
Santa came!!!!
Oh boy aunt Clara and her gifts are epic much like my grandparents gifts!!!
A Zeppelin I wonder if it blows up??? To soon???
A giant rabbit suit 😂😂😂😂
Oh damn mom got the fly swatter out and told ralphie to get up stairs and get in the bunny costume!!!
A blue ball 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 nice subtle joke there
The bunny costume is nuts 😂😂😂
Wine in the mornings after opening presents I think I need to start this tradition!!!
Oh there’s a surprise present!!!! I wonder what it could be?????? Surely not a red rider gun????
OMFG it is a red rider!!! I can’t believe it!!!
OMG he shot his eye out!!!!!!!!
He stepped on his glasses what an idiot!
An ice cycle hit him ok sure!!!!
Oh no the asshole hounds stole the turkey!!!!
Chinese food on Christmas is nice!
They wore their suits to eat Chinese food yes!!!!
A duck!!! He chopped its head off!!!
This is a nice closing scene just need a glass of whiskey and that sexy lamp and it would have been perfect!
Sleeping with a gun that’s dangerous and bad parenting!!!